Math Teaching Strategies for Practicing a New Skill

  • After teaching a lesson on a new skill, I will often times us a “Rally Coach,” which is a Kagan strategy. With Rally Coach, I will craft a practice sheet with two sides for 2 partners. Each partner will be given a turn to explain how to do a particular process, like multiplying a 2-digit number by another 2-digit number. The other partner looks on the entire time. If the partner solving the problem does not quite get it, the other partner will coach him to the correct answer, by giving 2 tips and then a full explanation.
  • ST Math has been an instrumental program in helping students learn and master a new skill.  After I have taught the new skill, I will then move up the skill in ST Math through the Teacher Admin area.  When students log in for that week to ST Math, they will be directed to the new level, unless they have already completed it, and they will have the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the process of skill.
  • has so many levels that most of the skills I taught have a corresponding level. I try to get my students to aim for a SmartScore of 85 or better, and I will help struggling students as needed.
  • has a lot of the skills I teach. I can have students practice a set number of questions, and then review their progress afterwards.
  • Exit Tickets made up of 3 to 15 questions that help me know whether students understand the skills. Since Texas end of year assessments are made up primarily of multiple choice questions, I try to have several multiple choice questions on my exit tickets.

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