Math Resources for Week of April 3 – 7, 2017 (Review Measurement and Graphing Data)

The Big Idea:  This week, we will review MEASUREMENT and discuss GRAPHING DATA.  Here are the specifics:

  • Create a frequency table, dot plot or stem and leaf plot to show data.
  • Read a frequency table, dot plot, or stem and leaf plot to understand the data.
  • Solve problems by interpreting a frequency table, dot plot, or stem and leaf plot.

What Texas says:

  • 4.9A: represent data on a frequency table, dot plot, or stem and-leaf plot marked with whole numbers and fractions
  • 4.9B: solve one- and two-step problems using data in whole number, decimal, and fraction form in a frequency table, dot plot, or stem-and-leaf plot 


  • Monday’s Homework Video:  Making Dot and Line Plots
  • Tuesday’s Homework Video:  Making Stem and Leaf Plots


Helpful Videos:

  • Intro to Line Plots, Stem and Leaf Plots, and Frequency Tables
  • Line Plot Video
  • Fractions on a Line Plot RAP Song
  • Stem and Leaf Plot Video
  • Stem and Leaf Plots (Advanced Concepts)


Extra Practice from

  1. J.1Read a table
  2. J.2Interpret line graphs
  3. J.3Create line graphs
  4. J.4Interpret bar graphs
  5. J.5Create bar graphs
  6. J.6Interpret line plots
  7. J.7Create line plots
  8. J.8Create and interpret line plots with fractions
  9. J.9Frequency charts
  10. J.10Stem-and-leaf plots

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