The Big Idea: This week, we will begin talking about MEASUREMENT. Here are the specifics:
- Understand measurement benchmarks, like the width of a door is about a yard.
- Determine a reasonable measure with the customary and metric systems.
- Understand how to convert measurements in the metric system.
- Understand how to convert measurements in the customary system.
- Solve word problems with measurements.
How Texas States the Student Expectations:
- 4.8(A) identify relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems
- 4.8(B) convert measurements within the same measurement system, customary or metric, from a smaller unit into a larger unit or a larger unit into a smaller unit when given other equivalent measures represented in a table.
- 4.8(C) solve problems that deal with measurements of length, intervals of time, liquid volumes, mass, and money using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division as appropriate
This Week’s Homework Videos:
- Monday’s Homework: Review of Equivalent Fractions
- Tuesday’s Homework: Review of Solving Multiplication and Division Problems with Estimation
- Wednesday’s Homework: Review of Classifying 2-Dimensional Shapes
Helpful Videos
- Bill Nye Introduces Measurement
- Bill Nye Introduces the Metric System
- Looking at Measurement Benchmarks
- Converting Customary and Metric Units of Measurement
- NumberRock Song: Metric Conversions
- NumberRock Song: Metric Conversions Explained
- Metric Conversion Rap by the Metric Crew
- Meters, Liters, and Grams Song
- NumberRock Song: Customary Length Measurement
- NumberRock Song: Customary Capacity
- Measuring Liquids Lesson from Mr. Pearson
- Khan Academy: Find Reasonable Unit of Measurement
Extra Practice:
- Khan Academy Practice
- Convert Metric Units
- Convert to Smaller Units (L to mL)
- Convert to Smaller Units (kg and g)
- Convert to Smaller Units (km, m, cm, and mm)
- Convert Metric Word Problems
- Convert Customary Units
- Convert to Smaller Units (miles, yd, ft, and in)
- Convert to Smaller Units (gal, qt, pt, and c)
- Convert Customary Word Problems
- Practice
- N.1Measure using an inch ruler
- N.2Which customary unit is appropriate?
- N.3Compare and convert customary units of length
- N.4Compare and convert customary units of weight
- N.5Compare and convert customary units of volume
- N.6Compare and convert customary units
- N.7Conversion tables – customary units
- N.8Compare customary units by multiplying
- N.9Convert mixed customary units
- N.10Add and subtract mixed customary units
- N.11Which metric unit is appropriate?
- N.12Compare and convert metric units of length
- N.13Compare and convert metric units of weight
- N.14Compare and convert metric units of volume
- N.15Compare and convert metric units
- N.16Conversion tables – metric units
- N.17Convert metric mixed units
- N.18Add and subtract metric mixed units
- N.19Convert between metric and customary units
This Week’s Independent Computer Study/Practice
- Monday’s Games (20 minutes)
- Tuesday’s Game (25 minutes)
- Wednesday’s Game (25 minutes)
- Funny Numbers (Length or Time)
- Thursday’s Games (25 minutes)