The Big Idea: This week, we will multiply numbers! Here are the specifics:
- Multiply numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000
- Estimate products
- Multiply a 1-digit number by a 2, 3, or 4-digit number
- Use the Distributive Property to multiply numbers
- Use the Distributive Property with Expanded Form to multiply numbers
- Use Partial Products to multiply numbers
Monday’s Homework
- There is a 2-part video for homework. Please watch both parts.
- Part 1 of Cooking with Multiplication (Distributive Property)
- Part 2 of Cooking with Multiplication (Partial Products)
Helpful Videos
- Multiply by 10, 100, and 1,000
- Estimate Products
- Using Estimates to Determine Reasonableness of Answer
- Distributive Property
- Partial Products
- Partial Products Fish Game (must use a computer)
- Distributive Property Practice with Khan Academy:
- iXL Practice: